Professional Learning and Development

PLD is a cornerstone service for member schools and plays a key role in building capability within the school’s sector. PLD tailored to the needs of schools is a priority for SIEBA. SIEBA workshops, seminars and Hui are opportunities to connect with members and increase knowledge of international and global citizenship education.


SIEBA provides a range of resources to support development and growth for member schools. These include industry market information, document templates and guidance and a range international education procedures and policies.


As the peak body for the school’s sector, SIEBA currently represents over 400 New Zealand primary, intermediate and secondary schools. We take a proactive approach to inform Government about our sector and influence international and global citizenship education strategy and policy. We engage with Education New Zealand, the Ministry of Education, NZQA, Immigration New Zealand and other key stakeholders on behalf of members.

Compliance and Advisory

SIEBA offers a range of compliance and advisory services. There is always someone on the end of the phone to offer a response to enquiries. This service includes support for self-review, guidance for critical incidents and ongoing support on a range of compliance and operations matters.

Signatory Applications

 SIEBA can support schools making application to the Code Administrator to become a signatory to the Code of Practice.

International Programme Reviews

SIEBA can provide tailored reviews of international student programmes in member schools. Reviews can focus on any aspect of international education or be a comprehensive review of a school’s approach to international and global citizenship education.

Enrolment Service

SIEBA can support member schools with services to streamline the administration of enrolment for international students.


SIEBA can connect members with agents looking to place students into New Zealand schools.

Agent Reference Checks

Agents only needs to be referenced checked once by SIEBA, then all our members will be able to see that this check has been done and will not need to do the check again for themselves. This saves time and hassle for the schools and for the agents references. All agents who have been referenced checked by us will appear on a list for all our members to see on the website.